Author: Tamar Jenkings

Science backed nutrition tips for insomnia

Every adult knows firsthand what insomnia is: at least once in his life, he has experienced difficulties falling asleep. Insomnia is caused by a variety of reasons: stress, disrupted sleep patterns (for example, due to night shift work, jet lag during flights), abuse of sleeping pills, caffeine and alcohol, side effects of medications, features of […]

Boost immunity with food part1

Immunity is a complex system, the work of which depends on many factors. This is the ability of our body to protect it from viral, bacterial and other infections by producing specific protective proteins (antibodies) that recognize and destroy malicious “guests”. There is no magic pill to strengthen the immune system, but hypothermia, prolonged stress, […]

Low fodmap snacks on the go

Attention: before starting a diet, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor possible contraindications to its use. CARBOHYDRATE-RESTRICTED DIET FODMAP (low FODMAP diet) I. General characteristics of the low FODMAP diet Scientists involved in the research of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have found that some components of food can provoke the appearance of […]

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