The problem of excess weight has long been relevant for economically developed countries. An abundance of foods high in fat and carbohydrates, decreased motor activity, violation of the daily routine — these are just a few reasons that lead to obesity. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of “effective” diets and a variety of methods to reduce excess weight. Let’s look into the causes of obesity. And most importantly, we will answer the question: is it possible to resist unnecessary kilograms by following a diet?
Excess weight: causes of occurrence
In principle, there are only two fundamental causes leading to obesity: poor nutrition and physical inactivity. The intake of extra calories into the body, which a person does not have time to burn with the help of physical activity, leads to the accumulation of fats and the growth of adipose tissue. However , the same result can lead to:
- significant breaks between meals. The body regards such a period as hunger and when food arrives, it makes reserves with a vengeance;
- violation of the daily routine. Falling asleep later provokes evening hunger, when going for a sandwich at 12 o’clock at night becomes the norm. Lack of sleep also provokes overeating. In this case, the daily caloric content increases by at least 20%. So the body compensates for the resulting stress in the form of lack of sleep. At the same time, a person makes a choice in favor of high-calorie foods unconsciously;
- quitting smoking for a long time, i.e., heavy smokers who have decided to give up a bad habit. The need for nicotine is also unconsciously eaten by a person beyond measure;
- endocrine diseases and hormonal disorders. Excess weight appears due to the fact that it is hormones that control the processes of accumulation and burning of fat reserves;
- alcoholism. The liver is damaged, which also leads to disruption of metabolic processes.
Fats are necessary for the body
A person who wants to normalize the body mass index often faces, first of all, advice to completely eliminate fats from their diet. But are such tips and diets justified and safe for health? Along with proteins and carbohydrates, fats are an integral part of a healthy person’s diet and an indispensable element for the functioning of the body at the intercellular level. They are embedded in cell membranes and carry out transport functions there. Without their participation, there is no assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins, the production of hormones.
Therefore, thoughtless restriction of fat intake can lead to poor health. Scientists have proved that the determining factor in a balanced diet is not so much the amount of fat consumed as their qualitative composition, that is, what kind they belong to — saturated or unsaturated. It is better to make a choice in favor of unsaturated fatty acids, which bring the greatest benefit to the body. The source of such healthy fats are seeds and nuts, fish and seafood, various vegetable oils. In the modern world, the following approach is being promoted more and more: reducing the amount of saturated fats in favor of increasing the consumption of mono- and polyunsaturated. About the complete rejection of fats, there can be no talk at all.
Diets — benefit or harm?
Almost half of European citizens believe that they are overweight and would like to lose weight. But this issue is especially acute for young girls, for whom the desire to lose excess weight often leads to the development of serious diseases such as bulimia or anorexia. Fashion imposes artificial standards on them, to follow which is considered the goal of life. The problem has become so widespread that some countries have banned inviting models with a body mass index below the norm to fashion shows, as well as posting their images in the media.
Scientists have long proved that diets bring a short-term result with a subsequent increase in body weight after their termination. Firstly, the restriction in food is regarded by the body as a threat of hunger and, accordingly, slows down metabolic processes. After returning to previous eating habits, the metabolism remains slowed down, which leads to excessive calories received. Secondly, having experienced stress while following a diet, at the end of it the body tries to catch up and begins to actively build up the fat layer in order to prevent this in future similar situations.
Faced with the ineffectiveness of one diet, a person resorts over and over again to the next and the next diet, which leads not only to exhaustion of physical strength, deterioration of health, but also to the emergence of psychological problems. The ideal can never be achieved by spoiling your real life.
The fact is, each person’s optimal weight is individual and does not depend on the desire of the person himself. Optimal weight is the weight at which the body performs its life support functions in the best way. It can vary in people of the same complexion from 5 to 7 kg. Doctors insist that for a person who has decided to fight excess weight, dieting is not an option. To achieve the goal and consolidate the result, he must build his healthy eating system and follow it all his life.
Tips for weight loss and retention
To reduce and maintain weight in a stable condition for a long period, it is necessary to listen to the advice of specialists:
- eat fractional, every 2-3 hours in small portions;
- the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
- exclude from the diet French fries, chips, sugary drinks, fast food, confectionery, salted and smoked foods, ready-made semi-finished products;
- enrich food with vegetable products (fruits and vegetables), as well as products that contribute to weight loss (whole grains, nuts, kefir, natural yoghurts, fish);
- organize the day and sleep schedule;
- follow an active lifestyle (hiking or cycling, fitness classes, etc.).