How to Instantly Improve Your Mental Health with Exercise

How to Instantly Improve Your Mental Health with Exercise

One of the most common questions I get asked is "What can I do to quickly improve my mental health?" I tell my clients that achieving everyday happiness is like any other behavior change, it takes motivation, time, and repeated effort. Quick fixes don't usually work when it comes to your behavior or your body. However, you can achieve an instant mood boost and strengthen your brain power pretty quickly by doing one thing...

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Nutrition Secrets for Healthy Skin: Is Sugar Causing your Breakouts?

Nutrition Secrets for Healthy Skin: Is Sugar Causing your Breakouts?

The second installment in the Nutrition Secrets for Healthy Skin Series is all about sugar and acne. While sugar scrubs are commonly used to exfoliate the surface of your skin, regularly ingesting sugar may have a very different effect on your acne.

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3 Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

3 Strategies for Successful Weight Loss

Successful weight loss is no easy feat. Every weight loss journey has inevitable challenges and obstacles that can halt your progress right in its tracks! To make matters worse, some of the biggest obstacles to successful weight loss are completely out of our control. For starters, humans are biologically adapted to conserve and store fat.

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